The evolution of the concept of individual and corporate well-being

An innovative measurement model


Mc Graw Hill

We enter the Antropocene, the era of human beings in which personal identity is measured and evaluated with real and virtual instruments. The concept of well-being, today, no longer concerns mere economic gain, there are other material and immaterial variables that distinguish one's status, one's uniqueness.
Well-being obviously plays a central role in all this and it is in this context that this work suggests an indicator representative of the new-normal and modern well-being: the INWI (Individual Well-Being Index).


Between real and virtual: gestures and the new marketing of contemporaneity


Publisher: Franco Angeli

“Other matter”, part of us, real and virtual, that from the beginning of capitalism and with the advent of technology, is emerging as another affirmation of identity. A hyper-extension of the self. A bridge between me and the surrounding world, a new way to relate.
We live in the real world, but we also live in a virtual one, the hyper-world. 


Publisher: il Mulino

Stabilizing and rebuilding: the role of Cultural Communication to promote and consolidate Afghan national identity after decades of conflict.

Herat - The Florence Of The East


PRT- Provincial Reconstruction Team

This publication, in English and Dari, forms part of the reconstruction and stabilization process as a fundamental element in restoring one's own cultural identity. The rights were donated to the city and 500 copies distributed to schools throughout the Province of Herat.


sito italianoenglish site